Collective Worship

Every Friday we hold a special celebration worship, which celebrates children’s successes; children can be nominated by each other to receive the Valarie Values award for demonstrating one of the school values, to receive a Bee certificate for demonstrating one of the school’s 3Bs, to discover the class that has won the weekly attendance award, Justin Time, for overall best attendance and to discover which house has received the most house points towards the house cup. Parents and friends are invited to join us for this weekly worship.

Our daily Christian based worship times foster the pupil’s spiritual development and build on their experiences in RE lessons. Worship is led by the Head Teacher, members of the teaching staff, our Worship Team or visiting clergy.
From time to time worship may take place in the classroom and is based on specific worship material created by Imaginor publications and reflects age-specific content. Each Wednesday our Parish vicar visits school and leads worship. This is always a special time and gives everyone, including staff, an opportunity to take time during the week for personal reflection and prayer.

The themes for worship are based on ‘Roots and Fruits’ material created by Imaginor publications. A copy of this can be found in the Head’s office. This material is used as the basis for the worship plan each term and reflects a value that is in focus for that term.