
The children are organised in three mixed-age classes. In order to ensure a balanced number of children in each classroom, and provide the most appropriate level of teaching, we operate with mixed year groups. We make use of the studio/library, Class 5 and the hall as additional classroom space. The current arrangements are shown below and our new Foundation Stage unit known as “The Hive” is incorporated within this.

Class name Year Group
Foundation Stage 1 Pre-School (2-5yrs)
Foundation Stage Unit 2 Reception
Class 1 Year 1 & Year 2
Class 2 Year 2 & Year 3
Class 3 Year 4 & Year 5

Children learn through first-hand experiences. Educational visits, planned to support the classroom work, are arranged whenever appropriate. These visits may be out into the village or further afield. Additionally the junior children have the opportunity to take part in a programme of residential visits. All the children study the National Curriculum subjects and R.E. The teachers plan the programmes together to ensure continuity and progression for the children as they move through the school.

Parent Consultation Evenings are arranged throughout the year and parents are invited to meet their child’s class teacher each term.  The meeting in the Spring Term is the main focus for discussion on progress and development.  A written report is issued in the summer term prior to the parents’ open evening.